Day 25, May 18

This is too amazing. I have been skiing in better weather than we had today! Big snows in these mountains, wind, cold, yada yada, but we made it to the town of El Acebo and found a nice hotel room with hot shower. Glory to God.

I may have told you before that this is, uh, hard. As Amanda would say, SHUT UP !

One of the people we have been ministering to along the way said yesterday: “I´ve been searching for a kind and wonderful man, and I´ve found a kind and wonderful God.¨ Wow. What a story she has from this Camino. There are so many stories…

I did not bring enough cold weather stuff, but am making do using socks as gloves, and the bandanas Ben gave me have saved my ears! The trail is up, down, long, rocky, muddy, cold, windy, and….did I say, long.

Carol is doing fantastic. She is thriving on the solitude of the long walks during the day, and then the conversations when we stop and meet so many.

I look forward to being able to sit down and share about this in better detail, but I hope you are able to follow along that we are having a God-anointed time and that our lives are not really our own. Each day brings its own events, and we attempt to learn from each of them. We´re down to the final mountains, and then the final push to Santiago. Blessings to all.

3 thoughts on “Day 25, May 18

  1. Carol Ramey

    Hi skip and carol,
    I still don’t know of I am doing this right but I love to read your postings! What a God adventure! I pray for your energy and protection as you finish these punishing but glorious days. God is developing so many stories, you may have to write a book. Love you both, and I am so proud of you doing such a hard thing. You inspire me.
    Love and hugs and warm coats for your imaginations. Carol

  2. Margie

    From my heart–I am with you in Spirit. So many times each day I think of you two and send prayers that the journey will be manageable. Got the birthday card from you sent by an angel! No Spanish postmark. Yours are waiting for your arrival in Portland. When you read this I hope you have mastered the hardest part of the journey. You know you have loved ones wishing to warm your hands and ears and whichever other cold parts you didn’t mention. I am so proud of you two!!! God Bless you. All my love,

  3. Carolina Shaver

    Skip and Carol,

    Just got caught up on your incredible pilgrimage in one fell swoop. I am proud of you and a bit envious.
    When I saw The Way I also had the desire to make this journey some day. It is amazing to know someone who is actually doing it. Look forward to seeing you this summer. Love you both dearly.
    carolina in Sao Paulo


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