Day 17

We´re still alive and well !  Sorry I can´t post every day, but computers are not everywhere we are. Today we did the longest walk, over 17 miles, and it was not by choice but by place to stay. We made it, and are thankful for the rest.

A typical day, we get up about 7, pack up and leave about 8, after a breakfast of bread and maybe coffee or cheese. We walk until about 10 and eat something more substantial, like ham and fruit juice and bread. Then we slog it out for the end ot that day´s walk and enjoy an evening meal of various kinds, all good by that time.

It´s now 8:30 pm and I´m so looking forward to the bed, but not until I do a little surgery on a blister. Just couldn´t escape it, so will have to deal with it.

We meet wonderful people every day, and have very fast greetings and discovery times. Carol is good at this. Today we met up again with the Australian and So. African women, and enjoyed dinner together.

With all day to walk and talk, one quickly gets beyond the trite and right to the meat of things, like why and who and what. Carol is very good at this! We still don´t have the answer as to why, but we are so enjoying all the life stories, and look forward to sharing them with you all.

We are a bit surprised by the scenery, it´s so much like Central Oregon, with vast fields of wheat and oats, canola, poppy, and birds everywhere singing us along the way. Ancient cities are mostly vacant now, except for those who stay to provide for us Pilgrims. More on the travelogue later.

Home is so far away, and that is probably good. We do miss you all, but are consumed, really, with just getting through the day at hand. We are almost half way, and it looks like we can finish! 

Hallelujah! God is up to something!



10 thoughts on “Day 17

  1. Mike Borresen

    Suzanne and I just read “The Way of the Stars– Journeys on the Camino De Santiago”. I assume you are around Carrion de los Condes. The author had lots of trouble with blisters and tendonitis, but the good part was the second half of the walk was easier and the revelations of why he was walking started happening.. He also had mostly rain for his trek.
    We are upholding you daily and following you in spirit and well as map. We hope you take a break now and then to do a little sight seeing and body rest. God bless you both. Mike

  2. Allan Jaklich

    We’re with you every step of the way! Love to read your posts. Big hug to you both.
    Love, Allan & Linda

  3. Jan Lambert

    Buen Camino Skip and Carol,

    I was finally able to go onto your Camino blog….hip, hip, hurray. I can hardly wait to read about the last 15 days. You both sound wonderful and enjoying what God presents each day. Oh how I wish I were in your backpacks. I know you don’t feel the same, however, there you have it. I’m sure your bags are heavy enough. Sorry to hear about the blisters. Take care of them. My prayers travel with you. Your pilgrim friend in Seaside, Jan Lambert

    1. Skip Heiney Post author

      Yes, Jan, we are well and thriving. Thanks to your great support that is! Can´t wait to debrief in person.

  4. Margie

    You two have our prayers and we are cheering your progress. One blister is ok I guess. Half way there–and up to 17 miles in a day!!! We are in awe of your accomplishments. Happy birthday to both of you but this jurney is making you younger not older!
    Marion’s father in law, John Howard, is very ill. Ask St. James for any help to guide his way in the coming days…He is a man of honor and deep faith.
    Love to you both. We are with you in spirit.

  5. Ed Stewart

    When my spirit grows faint within me, it is you who watch over my “camino.” Ps 142:3

    Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the “camino”; walk in it. Is 30:21

    Are you yearning to own a Chevy Camino? Don’t you wish you had one right now?? You could to the rest of the camino by Camino!

    God’s best as you keep on truckin’.

  6. Cheryl Matschek

    Good Morning, dear Carol and Skip,

    You are both doing so amazingly well it sounds…and that doesn’t surprise me with your preparedness, but even more so your attitude and heart and how you have approached this entire journey. I am reminded of 1 John 3:2…”What we will be has not yet been made known.” Oh how our Lord, the Potter, will use this to make you even more like Him. That is so awesome and I look forward to your return home safely when the Camino de Santiago journey is ended (realizing the journey continues even when the Camino pilgrimage comes to an end) and then hearing in more depth of your experiences, insights, epiphanies, etc.

    Know that you are in our prayers and in our hearts…and praying that each step you take is directed by Him. This is all, as you well know, the weaving of new fibers into the fabric of your lives…and into ours as we share in your experience by your sharing with us. Perhaps, even, the weaving of these new fibers gives new meaning to all the ones already there in the tapestry. What an incredible thought. Our God is nothing short of miraculous in how He works.

    Enjoy…be safe, be well and drink in every moment…fully alive and enjoying this amazing thing He drew you into.

    We love you,
    Cheryl and Norm

  7. Myrna Trathen


    Probably pivotal…..

    Makes me think of the two, then three, on the road to Emmaus. What a trip (then and now)!


  8. Steve and Norma Heiser

    Happy Birthday dear friends. In your wildest dreams would you have thought you would celebrate 2013 in Spain on such an adventure? We look for news from you daily, and LOVE to travel with you vicariously. Flowers are ready for all the mothers in the church, Peter is ready, and we know that the Jesus will show up. Rummage abounds as does our love for you. Norma


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