Day 15

For those who wish to follow along, get a map from the internet. We are in Itero de la Vega, a nice village and tonight with a private room! We´ve complete about 40% of our Camino, 313 kilometers, 196 miles, and my feet can tell you about every rock!

Carol keeps asking me why we are doing this, and I keep telling her that I don´t know yet, but that God keeps leading us and providing us a night´s rest. The last 2 nights the Albergues have been completo, full, and we sat down to have a beer and ponder our fate. A guy comes along in a taxi and offer to take us to a neighboring town and hotel, which was quickly accepted, and was wonderful. A private room after all these nights with fellow travellers and their bodily functions was welcomed.

Today we went quite a distance, ´cause we´re a bit behind, and felt good until the place was completo again. So we accepted another private room, darn, with it´s shower and beds. Suffering does have it´s limits.

The people from around the world are here, in amazing numbers. It is far more crowded than we thought it would be, and everyone is looking for a bed at night, which makes us feel a bit like those of old. To think that in the middle ages millions of Pilgrims made this trip is unimaginable!!!!

Spain has gone from mountains to the plains of the meseta, and the days of walking will grow longer, though more level. Let me tell any of you pondering this trip, that it is hard. Very hard. Romantic, yes, but hard just the same. What were we thinking???  Ok, we weren´t thinking very much, so we find ourselves here in Spain asking God many questions. My only recommendation a this point is for you to do the same, and join in that part with us as we all continue to pray for one another.

God´s Blessings upon you, and I´ll try to check in again soon.

3 thoughts on “Day 15

  1. Steve and Norma Heiser

    At least Carol isn’t pregnant…and there are taxis to take you to a nearby village for a private room and shower when there’s no room at the Refugio. (Better than bunking with cows and sheep…speaking of bodily functions.) I’d say that God is mitigating the pain. Of course I’m not walking 12 to 15 miles a day. Take heart, you could be doing yard work, home maintenance and hauling rummage!

    Know that we pray for you daily, Steve and Norma

  2. Dave P

    Skip, sounds like you and Carol are real troopers. Glad things are going well. After this, 18 holes will be a short stroll. Missing you both. You are in our prayers.

  3. Diane

    Thinking of you both – hope you were able to celebrate the day of your births along the way! Maybe a special piece of cheese? An extra chunk of bread. Keep up the posts – it’s good to know you are doing well.


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