And so it begins…

Arrived safely to Pamplona, taxi to Roncesvalles, high in the Pyrinees, and found our first nights lodging in a renovated hostel. Very nice, and full of internationals all as wide-eyed as we.

Day 1 of the Camino was amazing, however our training did not prepare us well enough. Very steep in parts, and taking longer than we planned. We push on.

Day 2 of the Camino was today, and it took longer !  I´m semi-concious right now and going to bed right away. However, we did enjoy dinner tonight at a restaurant famous in Spain for hosting Hemingway at times, and it was a grand place with much better food that the typical for the Camino.

Bodies are tired. Shot, really. But we are holding up…..after 2 days of 13.5 miles each. Doesn´t sound like much does it. The mountains are beautiful, but steep, and it seems to last all day….

Thinking of all of you during the day, thanking you for praying for us, so don´t stop now. Day 3 looks to be much flatter, so we should be ok.

5 thoughts on “And so it begins…

  1. Michael & Suzanne

    Yea!!! So good to hear you made it and are on “THE WAY”! Mike and I will be walking along with you in spirit as we trudge along the Linear Trail. Many blessings on your heads…..and your feet!

  2. Steve and Norma Heiser

    Sch-nikes! Norma and my 5 miles on the paved linear trail left us with aching feet. What an heroic, epic journey you two are on! Know that we are praying for you both–feet, legs and spirits. May it all be downhill with a tailwind and angels carrying you along…

    The good news is that you’re not working on rummage, Carol. Norma, Karen and Deena spent several hours sorting and boxing today. HI, It’s me. We miss you already. You are getting some nice things in your area, Carol, and the mountain of clothes is slowly going down. Keep on truckin’ and enjoying your trip. We’ll be ready to turn things over to you in June:) Love, Steve and Norma

  3. Ed Stewart

    The Lord is the great God,
    the great King above all gods.
    In his hand are the depths of the earth,
    and the mountain peaks belong to him.
    Psalm 95:3-4

    Rock on, mountain man and mountain mama!

  4. Michael & Suzanne

    So glad to hear you are finally on “The Way”!! Mike and I will be walking along with you in spirit as we trudge along the Linear Trail. Many blessings on your heads…and your feet!!!


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