One is over the hard part is past. will pray for the stomach problems the they will reveal fast.
Card score Tom four games, Norm 0 To be continued every Weds. continued God speed.
Love to both of you
Tom And Wanda
It is. Saturday night and I want you to think of four verbs took, bless, broke, gave from Matt 26:26, Luke 24:30 this is commiuion for tomorrow. Bless you in your travels.
Tom and Wanda
One is over the hard part is past. will pray for the stomach problems the they will reveal fast.
Card score Tom four games, Norm 0 To be continued every Weds. continued God speed.
Love to both of you
Tom And Wanda
It is. Saturday night and I want you to think of four verbs took, bless, broke, gave from Matt 26:26, Luke 24:30 this is commiuion for tomorrow. Bless you in your travels.
Tom and Wanda