Monthly Archives: June 2013

Home Sweet Home

We’ve arrived home safely with much to share, so beware!

We will probably have an evening “presentation” next week for those in the area who would actually like to see more pictures, and especially ask questions. I’ll let you know by blog and email when this event is confirmed.

Thank you all so much for praying for us. We were “event” free for the entire trip, meaning no injuries, blisters to speak of, or anything serious to deal with. Not so for other pilgrim’s, so we give thanks to God for His Protection. Read here “seriously thankful” as I think of those who went to the hospital for treatments of one kind or another.

God was up to something, and we are still discerning Him about all of this, and we look forward to seeing you, sharing our faith in Christ with you as well as our Camino.


Day 39 – We made it!

We walked in to Santiago today and attended the Pilgrim´s Mass at the Cathedral. A very moving experience, and good to see a church full of people.

If you saw The Way you may remember the swinging of the censor, which they did today as well. Awesome.

I was quite moved by the service, and the wonderful welcome given by the priest to all of us pilgrims. He called us ´brothers,´and so made us feel glad to be there. The history was alive and real, as was the Spirit of God in that place.

We figure we did about 480 miles on foot, and are injury-free as of now. Amazing. So many others pushed harder each day and ended up hurt.

Will try to rent a car tomorrow and get around to Finesterre and Muxia, but not sure. God is up to something, so we´ll just go for the ride!

I now have more of an “answer” as to why we came on this trip, and look forward to sharing it with you all. One doesn´t always know what´s going on until one finishes a thing, and that´s what happened here. It began with “an obedience,” and has finished with a “well done,” but there is so much more.

We love you and miss you and will be home Wednesday, Lord willing.